Rank Points Score Category
PGA of BC- Zone Championship 2023 2 18 136 E
PGA of BC- Zone Championship 2022 5 14 143 E
PGA of Canada - BC Zone Championship 2019 4 15 142 E
PGA Seniors' Championship of Canada 2017 8 13 212 D
PGA Assistants' Championship of Canada 2016 16 9 218 C
PGA of BC Championship 2016 10 9 144 E
PGA Championship of Canada 2016 18 10 149 A
PGA of BC Assistants 2016 7 7 141 G
PGA of BC CPC 2015 12 3 151 G
PGA of BC Assistants' Championship 2015 8 6 150 G
PGA Club Professional Championship of Canada 2014 9 16 221 C
PGA of BC CPC 2014 1 15 141 G
PGA of BC Championship 2014 5 14 143 E
PGA of BC Zone Championship 2013 9 10 143 E
PGA of BC Assistants 2013 12 3 146 G
PGA of BC Zone Championship 2012 17 6 219 E
PGA Championship of Canada 2011 17 5 N/A A
PGA Assistants' Championship of Canada 2011 8 18 217 C
BC Zone Championship 2011 4 15 N/A E
BC Zone Championship 2010 1 25 205 E
Canadian Assistants Championship 2010 7 20 210 C
BC Zone Championship 2009 1 25 207 E
BC Zone Championship 2008 10 9 218 E