Rank Points Score Category
PGA of Saskatchewan - Zone Championship 2021 14 6 149 F
PGA of Saskatchewan - Assistant's Championship 2021 7 5 149 H
PGA of SK Championship 2014 15 6 155 F
PGA of SK Assistants' (SK Ch'p) 2014 10 2 155 H
PGA of SK Assistants' (SK Ch'p) 2013 2 10 145 H
PGA of SK Championship 2013 3 14 145 F
PGA of SK Championship 2012 15 6 232 F
PGA of SK Assistants' (SK Ch'p) 2012 9 3 232 H
PGA of SK Championship 2011 23 3 229 F
PGA of SK Championship 2010 5 12 221 F
PGA of SK Championship 2009 18 5 239 F
PGA of SK Championship 2008 4 13 221 F