Rank Points Score Category
PGA of BC - HPC 2022 12 3 157 G
PGA Head Professional Championship of Canada - 2018 18 9 218 C
PGA of Canada - BC Championship 2018 11 8 148 E
PGA of Canada - BC CPC 2017 9 5 148 G
PGA of BC Assistants 2016 4 10 138 G
PGA of BC Championship 2015 9 10 143 E
Ottawa Valley PGA Zone Championship 2013 13 6 146 F
Ottawa Valley PGA Assistants' Championship 2013 4 8 146 H
Ottawa Valley PGA Zone Championship 2012 6 11 147 F
Ottawa Valley PGA Assistants' 2012 2 10 72 H
Titleist & FootJoy Ottawa Valley Zone Championship 2011 11 6 148 F
Titleist & FootJoy Ottawa Valley Zone Championship 2010 18 5 153 F
Titleist & FootJoy Ottawa Valley Zone Championship 2009 7 10 146 F