Rank Points Score Category
PGA of Manitoba - Zone Championship 2023 22 3 159 F
PGA of Manitoba - Zone Championship 2022 17 5 153 F
PGA of Manitoba - Zone Championship 2021 9 8 151 F
PGA of Canada - Manitoba Zone Championship 2019 15 6 156 F
PGA of Canada - Manitoba Championship 2018 10 7 150 F
PGA of Canada - Manitoba CPC 2018 6 6 150 H
PGA of Canada - Manitoba Zone Championship 2017 9 8 152 F
PGA of Manitoba CPC (Fall Classic) 2016 3 9 156 H
PGA of Manitoba Zone Championship - 2016 2 15 147 F
PGA Club Professional Championship of Canada 2015 10 15 217 C
PGA of Manitoba CPC (Fall Classic) 2015 2 10 140 H
PGA of Manitoba Championship 2015 2 15 146 F
PGA of Manitoba Assistant's Championship 2015 3 9 149 H
Manitoba PGA Championship 2014 2 15 141 F
PGA of Manitoba Assistants Championship 2014 3 9 146 H
PGA of Manitoba Assistants 2013 4 8 75 H
PGA Championship of Canada 2013 33 0 N/A A
Manitoba PGA Championship 2013 8 9 150 F
PGA of Manitoba Assistant Championship 2012 2 10 143 H
Manitoba PGA Championship 2012 5 12 217 F
PGA Assistants' Championship of Canada 2011 29 6 225 C
Manitoba PGA Championship 2011 9 8 229 F
Manitoba PGA Championship 2010 2 15 212 F
Manitoba PGA Championship 2009 9 8 225 F