Qualifying Round (Mon, July 22)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Arvanitis, Billy
belley, chantale
Bermel, Karl
Bingley, Rob
collins, judy
Comeau, Pauline
Dambrauskas, Dan
Desparois, Liette
Doll, Gregor
Evans, Owen
Fitzpatrick, Dane
Gordon, Jeff
Graham, Gord
Grant, Peter
Hergot, Matt
Herrington, Alex
Herrington, Gary
Hessel, James
Kelly, Dan
Kelly, Kevin
Keohane, Chad
Knight, David
Kocsis, Chris
logan, susan
Mcallister , Ron
McPhee, Eric
Mellway, Perry
Mulvihill, Kevin
murray, justin
Myllari, Roy
oderkirk, bev
Pedersen, Eric
Proulx, Lise
reinhardt, ben
Richadrdson, Jake
Robson, Kevin
Romano , Paul
Roy, Martin
Samson, Gerard
Saumure, Chris
Sleigh, Kevin
Spurrell, Andrew
Staniforth, Andrew
Stevens, Kevin
Strike, Lori
Sutherland, William
wallace, michael
whitelock, chad