Rank Points Score Category
PGA Atlantic - HPC 2023 14 1 159 H
PGA Atlantic - HPC 2022 15 1 164 H
PGA Atlantic - HPC 2021 14 1 162 H
PGA of Canada - Atlantic HPC 2019 15 1 159 H
PGA of Canada - Atlantic Zone Championship - 2018 24 3 161 F
PGA of Atlantic CPC (Player's Ch'p) 2016 6 6 155 H
PGA Atlantic Assistants Championship 2015 7 2 149 H
Atlantic PGA Assistants Championship 2014 3 9 151 H
PGA Atlantic Zone Championship 2014 11 6 149 F
Atlantic PGA Assistants' 2013 7 5 155 H
Atlantic PGA Assistants' Championship 2012 4 8 145 H